There is some confusion about the difference between these organizations. They each provide a similar, yet separate service to Eagle Scouts. NESA National has it's own membership costs and associated value proposition. NESA National's website can be found at Home - The National Eagle Scout Association (
NESA Pittsburgh Chapter is the local sanctioned chapter of this National organization, with a license to operate on it's own merits, with it's own unique programming and separate membership cost which are accessible by our local constituency. NESA National not only recognizes the NESA Pittsburgh Chapter as it does the other BSA Council-based Chapters throughout the United States, but has lauded our chapter as a model local Chapter for the robust programming and events that we offer.
NESA Pittsburgh is chartered by the Laurel Highlands Council and works to advance Scouting at the local level with our troops, districts and the Laurel Highlands Council. Again, both the National and the Local (Pittsburgh Chapter) NESA organizations have separate dues and while we encourage you to join both, we especially look forward to your membership as we can promise tangible, accessible value via regional-based programming & events.
NESA Pittsburgh Chapter membership is free for Eagles 25 and younger, $25 for a yearly membership or $290 for a Lifetime member.
Scholarships are awarded to Eagle Scouts who have shown active participation in school, Scouting activities, and community service, and who demonstrate they understand the fundamentals of service to community, service to Scouting and their character. They should also demonstrate that, if they have a financial need, what distinguishes their financial need from others.
Apply and Learn More at:
NESA Scholarship Flyer: NESA_Scholarship_Flyer_2023_231109.pdf
Frequently Asked Questions